Friday, April 17, 2015

You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them. ♥

My In-Laws 
Josh comes from a loving Family. There are two kids in his family and i believe, he and his sister are best friends, just like my brother and I.Let's introduce you to my loving In-laws.

Josh's Sister and her Family: They are really nice. Jen and I get along really well, and its soo great having a sister in-law.Meet Jen, Marc, Buckett and Priya Lindley

Josh's Mom and Step-dad: These two are really nice. Karen is always trying to make Josh and I feel at home and we know she will be there for us, whenever we call on her.Curtis is super fun and caring.

Josh's dad: He is an awesome guy, we always joke around and he reminds me of my day, most of the time.

This is a pics of the rest of my In-laws

My Family
This is my mom and Dad. They are the best parents in the world and I love them. While i was growing up, I used to get frustrated at my parents for their discipline and style of upbringing. I have come to appreciate every moment spent with these two, I can say confidently, that WITHOUT MY PARENTS, I WOULD NEVER HAVE MADE IT THIS FAR....

 My Baby Brother: I wouldn't choose to have it any other way. He is my best friend and i love him dearly. He gets on my nerves a lot but i wouldn't trade that in for anything else.He is almost done with his mission and hopping to make it to a CES School, out in Utah. I really can't wait to have him close by again.

My Grand-moms; They are the best, there always pray for my success and good health. They always give me the best advise and i do miss them a lot.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Getting to know us ♥

In August 2008, I started Brigham Young University as an international student from Ghana. I met a guy two month after classes started, about 2 years after we meant we started dating and 2 years after we got engaged. On April 2013 we tied the knot at the Mt. Timpanogas LDS Temple.This is a blog for our journey with its adventures as we stroll through life towards ETERNITY.
Our First official Date in 2008, i didn't know any better, so i was all about Utes

Our first ladies choice dance. You may call it College Prom 2010 :-)

The beginning of our long distance dating.Josh's family and I drove him to Pittsburgh for Med School 2011
I said YES!!!! 2012
April 27th,2013 Our journey together truly begins♥
One year Anniversary, still in love and going strong 2014
After 7 years, Ghana here we come !!!!! Feb 2015
We matched to Radiation Oncology!!!Arizona all the way -March 2015
            We bought our first car together, 2015 Honda Civic LX Sedan. April 2015

   2 years and Counting; May our marriage be blessed with everlasting love, togetherness and      happiness.