Thursday, August 13, 2015

LORDINA!! Not Sisters By Blood But Sisters By Heart!!

So all of you who know me, know i come from a family of  four ( my sweet mother, my dearest dad and my cute little brother). However, along the way i found a friend who is more like a sister to me. 
We met in High school,she looked a lot younger than i did,but i couldn't let that fool me in anyway.She was always there to put me in my place. She was a year ahead of me but we became great friends. 
Along the way, we saw our similarities, learned about our weakness and strengths, encouraged each other every step of the way and 11 years along the way, we are still looking out for each other.

Here is a poem that describes of friendship in the best possible terms; © Angelica N. Brissett Published on July 2007

Friends For Life

We are friends, I got your back and you've got mine,
I'll help you out Anytime!
To see you hurt or see you cry, makes me weep
And if you agree to never fightIt wouldn't matter who's wrong or right.
If a broken heart needs a mend, I'll be right there
Till the end
If your cheeks are wet from drops of tears
Don't worry, I wipe it off
Hand in hand, we'll make through

We'll be friends ... Till the end!!!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Dr. Joshua Thomas Binks ( May 18th,2015)

Wow, Medical school graduation  is here and we are hanging out with family to celebrate, Josh's journey. Its been a long journey and he earned the title DOCTOR!
Graduation was fun and exciting, we went Camping @ Ohiopyle, then to  New York and to Falling Water by Frank Lylod Wright. Indeed it was a fun and exciting time.
Here is the new Doctor in town;

Friends are like snowflakes, none of them are the same;and that's what makes each one special!

Josh and I are blessed to have great Friends. Each one is special in their own way and helps us down the right path. Whether is it showing us what to do or what not to do, you are all a great example to us.
It will take forever to tell you what each one  means to us; This is a great summary of all our friendships, I hope each one of you can feel the gratitude, i hope to express...

      For always being there for me, with your gentle and  friendly touch
 Thank you
     You helped me to get better and stopped me from doing  what I may 
regret. Thank you
     You helped me through the hard times and that I can't forget.
 Thank you.
 You listened to my problems in a kind and caring way, without you
 I may not be smiling  today. Thank you.
     I trust you with my secrets that no one has ever been told
 Thank you
     Your kind words, I'll keep in my heart  until I'm grey and old
 Thank you.

Here's a few fun pictures with our friends and biggest cheerleaders!!!!!


Friday, April 17, 2015

You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them. ♥

My In-Laws 
Josh comes from a loving Family. There are two kids in his family and i believe, he and his sister are best friends, just like my brother and I.Let's introduce you to my loving In-laws.

Josh's Sister and her Family: They are really nice. Jen and I get along really well, and its soo great having a sister in-law.Meet Jen, Marc, Buckett and Priya Lindley

Josh's Mom and Step-dad: These two are really nice. Karen is always trying to make Josh and I feel at home and we know she will be there for us, whenever we call on her.Curtis is super fun and caring.

Josh's dad: He is an awesome guy, we always joke around and he reminds me of my day, most of the time.

This is a pics of the rest of my In-laws

My Family
This is my mom and Dad. They are the best parents in the world and I love them. While i was growing up, I used to get frustrated at my parents for their discipline and style of upbringing. I have come to appreciate every moment spent with these two, I can say confidently, that WITHOUT MY PARENTS, I WOULD NEVER HAVE MADE IT THIS FAR....

 My Baby Brother: I wouldn't choose to have it any other way. He is my best friend and i love him dearly. He gets on my nerves a lot but i wouldn't trade that in for anything else.He is almost done with his mission and hopping to make it to a CES School, out in Utah. I really can't wait to have him close by again.

My Grand-moms; They are the best, there always pray for my success and good health. They always give me the best advise and i do miss them a lot.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Getting to know us ♥

In August 2008, I started Brigham Young University as an international student from Ghana. I met a guy two month after classes started, about 2 years after we meant we started dating and 2 years after we got engaged. On April 2013 we tied the knot at the Mt. Timpanogas LDS Temple.This is a blog for our journey with its adventures as we stroll through life towards ETERNITY.
Our First official Date in 2008, i didn't know any better, so i was all about Utes

Our first ladies choice dance. You may call it College Prom 2010 :-)

The beginning of our long distance dating.Josh's family and I drove him to Pittsburgh for Med School 2011
I said YES!!!! 2012
April 27th,2013 Our journey together truly begins♥
One year Anniversary, still in love and going strong 2014
After 7 years, Ghana here we come !!!!! Feb 2015
We matched to Radiation Oncology!!!Arizona all the way -March 2015
            We bought our first car together, 2015 Honda Civic LX Sedan. April 2015

   2 years and Counting; May our marriage be blessed with everlasting love, togetherness and      happiness.